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Sundays 10.45am

Parish Eucharist
A Service of Holy Communion using Common Worship.
Enthusiastic choir.
Vestments, Servers and Robed Choir
A warm welcome and informal fellowship over coffee after.
(Every 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday)

Family Service.
A non-Eucharistic Service lead by a worship team.
No Vestments or Robes
Choir sits in with the Congregation
Anything can happen…
A warm welcome and informal fellowship over coffee after.
(Every 2nd Sunday)

Service of the Word followed by short Service of Holy Communion
A Service of the Word.
Enthusiastic Choir.
A warm welcome and informal fellowship over coffee after.
There will be a short Service of Holy Communion held in the Chancel about 10 minutes after the end of the first Service.
Coffee continues during this short service.
(Every 4th Sunday)

Sunday 6pm

Sung Evensong
Prayer Book (1928). Hymns, psalm and sung responses. Robed. Takes place in the Choir.
This is a traditional service that has been said and sung throughout England since 1662.
(Every 1st Sunday)


Celtic Holy Communion
A said service with periods of silence and relflection using the Celtic Tradition (a more earthy language and form)

(Every 2nd Sunday)

Alternative Evening Service
A chance to Worship in a different style: so far we have had:
– Café Church.
– Taizé Style.
– Carols by Candlelight for Christmas.
– Passover Seder.
– Fish and Fellowship. (An outdoor service with Fish and Chips from the Chippy)
– Songs of Praise… Your Favorite Hymn or Reading.
(Every 3rd Sunday)

Wednesday 10.15am

Said Holy Communion
A service of word and sacrament with short address. Vestments are worn. In the Lady Chapel. Refreshments after.
(Every Week)

Friday 6pm

Be still…
A time of quiet with the opportunity to pray as the Spirit moves you.
30 minutes of stillness at the end of the week or in preparation for the weekend. Location in church variable.
(Every Week)

Children in Church

Some fear that bringing a child to church can be difficult, but we welcome people of all ages.  We know that children sometimes cry, or shriek with glee, and they can rarely sit still, that’s fine!  It’s a joy to see them grow up in church and learn to love and know God.
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Matthew 19.14 NRSV

At the back of church you can find various provisions for a range of ages, from ‘Bible Bags’ that contain activities based on Bible stories, in addition to our new ‘Lions Den’ family room that has toys and changing facilities.


We aim to be make worship at St Mark’s accessible for all, with a loop system and large print service sheets available. At the back of Church you’ll find an accessible toilet.
If there is anything that would help you in your worship with us, please let us know.


We have parking next to the Church building.
Limited parking on tarmac is available, as well as an over-flow on grass during service times.

Church of England       Derby Diocese       Mercia Deanery