If you would like your wedding or your wedding blessing to take place at St Mark’s Church, your first step is to contact a member of the Clergy team either by phone (the Vicarage), by our contact form or after a Sunday Service over a cup of coffee.
That first conversation is important in establishing how we can best help you. Getting married is not complicated but it is governed by law which means we need to get things right at the outset.
Whilst getting married is not complicated, it is a key event in your life and therefore needs to be carefully thought through. At St Mark’s we aim to help you on that planning journey:
- to think and talk about the commitment you are making (vows and promises)
- where you are making them (in Church in the sight of God as well as family and friends)
- and how to enjoy the day (practical advice, hints and tips)
It is never too early to start planning and the link below will give you plenty of assistance.